Schizophrenia: A guide for the First Nations Community
- Description: This links to a VCH Educational Handout on Schizophrenia for the First Nations Community
- PDF Link
- Verification: Link reviewed by KW on March 1, 2018
Your Legal Rights under the Mental Health Act: A guide for the First Nations Community
- Description: This links to a VCH Educational Handout on Legal Rights under the Mental Health Act for the First Nations Community
- PDF Link
- Verification: Link reviewed by KW on March 1, 2018
First Nations Mental Health & Addictions Liaison Worker
- Description: This links to a handout describing the First Nations Mental Health & Addictions Liaison Worker services.
- PDF Link
- Verification: Link reviewed by KW on March 1, 2018
Depression: A guide for the First Nations Community
- Description: This links to a VCH Educational Handout on Depression for the First Nations Community
- PDF Link
- Verification: Link reviewed by KW on March 1, 2018
Bipolar Disorder: A guide for the First Nations Community
- Description: This links to a VCH Educational Handout on Bipolar Disorder for the First Nations Community
- PDF Link
- Verification: Link reviewed by KW on March 1, 2018