Daily Pain Diary
- Description: This is a form patients can fill out to record their pain, and show to their doctors.
- PDF Link
- Verification: Link reviewed by KW on February 25, 2018
Managing Back Pain handout
- Description: This is a handout on general back pain for patients, and what some common causes and treatments of back pain are.
- PDF Link
- Verification: Link reviewed by KW on February 25, 2018
American College of Rheumatology – Patient Resources
- Description: This links to the patient resources section of the American College of Rheumatology website, where patients can find information on and resources for various types of arthritis.
- Link
- Verification: Link reviewed by KW on February 25, 2018
Hot and Cold Therapy Handout
- Description: This is a handout about how to safely use hot and cold therapy (ex. Hot water bottles and ice packs) for stiffness and pain.
- PDF Link
- Verification: Link reviewed by KW on February 25, 2018
Energy Conservation Tips (for people living with fatigue secondary to disease or aging).
- Description: This is a handout about how to conserve energy if you have a hard time accomplishing the things you need to do in a day due to fatigue.
- PDF Link
- Verification: Link reviewed by KW on February 25, 2018
CORE Back tool
- Description: This is a handout for family doctors and nurse practitioners on how to assess and diagnose (or refer) back pain. (Note: CORE = Clinically Organized Relevant Exam)
- PDF Link
- Verification: Link reviewed by KW on February 25, 2018